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Et utrolig spennende bokprosjekt er i gang i den akademiske verden! 

Vi gleder oss stort over at Bent Branderup og deler av hans ridderskap har gått sammen for å lage en bokserie på 17 bøker som vil bli sluppet omtrent hvert halvår fremover. 

Første bok "Horsemanship" kom i slutten av november 2017. 


Academic Art of Riding volume 2 - Groundwork

Hvordan lærer en hest å tolke en tøyler på riktig måte? 

Hvordan lærer man å leke med det indre bakbenet? 

Denne andre av 17 planlagte bøker om Akademisk Ridekunst omhandler disse og mange 

andre spørsmål, hvis svar finnes i bakkearbeidet og i utviklingen av et felles språk mellom menneske og hest. 

Tretten eksperter kaster lys over hva som gjør bakkearbeidet så spesielt i Akademisk Ridekunst. 

Emner som dekkes er: biomekanikk, gymnastikk for menneske og hest, samt Bent Branderups personlige reise til Ridekunsten.  

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“Two Spirits wanting what two bodies can” (Bent Branderup)

In our fast moving and digitised world many riders aim for a gentle and well-thought-out education for horse and rider, without the pressure of competing. 

The Academic Art of Riding is based on the knowledge of the old masters, like Xenophon, Pluvinel, Guérinière and Steinbrecht, just to name the most outstanding ones. Dedicating his life to the Academic Art of Riding, Bent Branderup studies the old masters over and over again, as well as he constantly questions his own and his students‘ work. 

17 single steps cover the academic ladder that schools body and mind of horse and rider.

Which heritage the old masters handed down to us riders? When did they agree on something and what did they criticize? Do our current studies of psychology, biomechanics and pedagogics match the old master`s knowledge and recommendations? The Knighthood of the Academic Art of Riding is a community of passionate horse people who share fundamental ideals and have at their disposal a certain level of proved skills. The main tasks of the international academy are research and education, always aware of ethical aspects that concern the human-equine relationship.

The 230 members consider themselves as belonging to a brain pool whose members advance through constant exchange. 15 to 20 of them will pass their knowledge to the readers of the „Academic Art of riding“ – they are well known experts of communication, body language, bitless art of riding, rehabilitation, psychology. 

From the first step –Horsemanship- to the Schools above the ground – they share their knowledge, always keeping the focus on two spirits wanting what two bodies can. To become one – just to spend a beautiful time together with our horses.

AAoR vol 2 - Groundwork

kr 480,00Price
  • Av Bent Branderup m.fl.

    Utgivelsesår: 2018
    Sideantall: 240
    Bilder: 150


    Engelsk og tysk tekst i samme bok.

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